Monday, 8 February 2010

Ays- 'Flashforward'


  • Starts off in a playground with children just lying on the floor, still as the dead, making you think they are actually dead, making you wonder whats happened.
  • Going to a shot of the little girl running down a street which looks peaceful and nice until she runs into the Army.
  • Then there is the main character who is in a room which looks like an old hall as it has old fold out chairs and poorly painted walls, giving off the impression it's not very important or well looked after.
  • Switching to a FBI room which is full of compfty big seats, a huge conference table and important things on the blue walls, showing it's importance.


  • The little girl seems differnt compared to the rest of the children.
  • For starters she doesn't get involved with the game the rest of the children are playing, then when they all discuss what they saw she didn't want to share it with them.
  • Also she doesn't seem to let people push her around as when the boy starts the fight and she gets told off she runs away instead of staying to take her punishment.
  • The male main character who seems to be the little girls dad seems to speak his mind as he interrupts a man in his speach and stands up to what seems like an important person in the FBI without hesitation.


  • The credits go forward then back again out of the screen with a flash of lights as if a vision or 'flashforward' were happening.


  • The beginning is children singin 'ring a ring a roses' but in a dreary slow tone making it seem slightly spooky.
  • It then goes completly silent building tension and curiosity as to what's going on and what's going to happen.
  • The music then build up whilst the little girl is running and then goes to it's climax when the Army come in.


  1. Use many more terms to show that you have studied moving image language and narrative. Terms for sound are essential, and the same for narrative and mise en scene.

  2. You appear to have done 4 analyses. If so, you need to complete at least 1 more, and apply more of what you have learned on the textual analysis part of the course.
