Monday, 8 February 2010

Chess- Pacific Heights

Pacific Heights
In the opening we get the feel and mood of the film.

Outdoor setting
  • sunny
  • country side/open road/ desert
  • hot- heat wave effect and windows right down
  • asian style music
  • base ball bat in back seat on the floor- why?

Indoor setting

  • hotel room?
  • dark, shadows of blinds etc, (low key)
  • photos everywhere
  • half empty no wardrobe looks like they dont live there
  • open brief case
  • small television
  • just a matress on the floor
  • books- intelligence?
  • white, plain and boring


Men in car

At first they seem quite normal, just driving along on a hot day, then we see the bat roll along the floor and its the first signal that actually maybe these are the traditional 'badies' of the film. Later on just before they burst through the door, we see only their hand turn a key, and then we can only hear fast footprints as the camera dollys along down the corridor. This makes us not know who is coming, just like the characters in the room, so then when we do see them its a shock to us as well as the other characters. Causing a bigger impact of the effect of when they burst through the door.

Man and woman in room

Theres a brief case which suggests he may be a business man, and theres family photos which later reveals they are his family. Theres some books scattered along the floor, suggesting he may read alot and be fairly clever. The woman on the other hand as bright painted nails, and a big ring which gives the impression she may be a rich wife or someone, but her nails wouldnt suggest that she works hard or does manual. Just before the fight as the men storm in, the man doesnt protect the woman he just grabs the sheet and goes, this could mean hes frightened, and slightly coward like, but could show he doesnt feel much emotionally for the woman. Yet she tries to stop them attacking him, which i think may be due to guilt, as she may have been not allowed to be with him. Then after the fight the womans very shaken up yet he isnt, so this gives the impression he has been through alot maybe in his past life, where as she cant belive whats happened and is in shock.

Thriller Aspects...

  • credits fade in here and there around screen quite blended in
  • weapon close up of bat in back of car
  • theres the shot of the man and woman love making in the tv reflection, makes it look like a sin, or as if its trying to be hidden away as we can just about see it so its not crystal clear because the actions not pure.
  • shot of when the mans face is pushed against the glass wall and it makes that horrible screechy sound, and leaves a blood trail, emphasises his situation and how gory it is.
  • the music stops completely before the men entre, so its silent. This makes the bang through the door more of a shock and seem louder.

What i think works really well is having the men coming and as an audience we know they are coming but not who it is, or anything, just seeing parts of their body. Also the fact the main character has a dark secret learking in his closet makes us want to know more.

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