Thursday, 4 February 2010

Ays- Opening to 'One Hour Photo'

The main character- what sort of person?

  • Quiet
  • Clumsy
  • Nervous
  • Keeps to himself
  • Alone
  • Calm
  • Curious

How do you feel about the main character-why?

  • Curious because he keeps to himself and isn't giving much away about himself.
  • Sorry for him as he seems quite normal and scared but he is keeping calm.
  • Wonder what he has done and how bad it is.
  • Wonder how his life was in the past and how it is now.

Analyse the opening credits- Why have they created them in this way?

  • They come on like a code or ID style with numbers and bar codes possibly to match the police identity shot.
  • They go from white to red as if they started out pure then went bad or something has been killed.
  • They have a flash as if from a camera taking a picture to fit with the title and the point of the story about taking pictures of things and also when the main character was having his photograph taken.
  • They shoot on from the left hand side of the screen as if like a bullet being shot.

The setting- What sort of atmosphere does this build and how have camera work, M en S, editing and sound help create this?

  • The shot of the office is quite dark and has a monitor and paper work on the desk gives us the idea of an office in a police station.
  • It then pans to the big window showing the man in a single big white room which was on the moitor.
  • The white room only has one table and two chairs in it which are also white accept the chairs are orange, making it feel lonely and secluded.
  • The pan shows us that the two rooms are connected so it gives us a good idea of where they are.
  • It seems very sterile because of all of the white. So it seems clean, empty and big.

How does sound, Mise en Scene, camera work and editing create the effect of the flashback?

  • Music starts to build up and is like background music.
  • The garden scene is going in slow motion and has no sound from that scene, just the quiet music and the main chracter doing a narrative.
  • Going into the flash back it goes from a close up of the main character in thw white room staring off and then slightly looking up to a cut of a woman taking a picture somewhere bright and colourful.
  • His expression in the close up looks like he is thinking carefully and deeply about something.

How do aspects of Mise en Scene and sound work to communicate very different atmospheres between the two places (the police interview room and the family celebration in the garden.)

  • In the police station its very plain and white with minimal furniture and only two people in the room.
  • In the garden it's bright and colourful with party things such as ballons,hats,cake and plenty of people, kids and adults.
  • They are running around laughing and smiling in the garden where as in the police station they are having a serious conversation.
  • In the police interview room they are dressed in normal everyday clothes with no props accept a file on the table. No windows just one door and 4 plain walls made out of stone.
  • Enclosed space in the police room.
  • Garden is spacious and there is a big house.

1 comment:

  1. Good detail here. For the next ones, try to use sound terms, and make sure that you have discussed lighting styles using terms (eg low key, high key).
