Thursday, 18 February 2010

Tom - Wallander


  • the first shot an unfocused shot of a trees leafs blowing around, this shot sets what sort of season it is, obviously summer. its not in focus because it isn't majorly important

  • then their is an eye level shot of a girl walking through a yellow Field, the camera is behind her following her, it then changes so the camera is watching her, she looks like she is struggling to get through the Field, halfway through the shot she shows that she has some sort of liquid with her

  • the next shot is of inside of a car moving quickly, we can see that he is driving past the yellow Field because its just a big yellow blur

  • there is an over the shoulder shot of the guy driving

  • then their is an extreme long shot of the car, it looks like someone is watching the car from the field, the girl maybe?

  • the next shot is a POV shot of the man in the car driving up a long road, there is a sense of something being in the yellow field because it shows both sides of the road

  • it then skips to him pulling up to a house

  • there is then two shots of a chain moving, the shots are quick which shows sudden urgency, then we see the dog barking on the chain

  • this shot is a mid close up of the man that has come out of the house

  • the next shot is from inside the house looking out to the two men, could show that someone is inside looking at them

  • this shot pans up to the first guys face, also to our right of his head he is holding a badge, this shows us what sort of work he is in

  • the next shot is a two person shot, them walking towards the camera, the camera moving backwards, whilst in this shot the camera moves up to their faces

  • we then see through his eyes looking for something in the field, we see the girl pop up then duck down quickly which shows us that she is hiding from them

  • their is then a close up of the policeman, he looks focused on where she is, the shot after is looking at both the men's backs before the agent starts walking into the Field

  • a close up on some sort of talisman that she is holding

  • a close up again of the woman's face, its blurred because she is hiding in a Field so even for the audience its hard to see her, also shows mystery because no one knows why she is their

  • an extreme long shot of the whole Field with the agent in the bottom right of the screen, to show how big the field is, high angle to help show this

  • then the same shot of the girl but this time it pans up as she gets up which shows that maybe shes starting to trust him

  • its then an eye level shot of the man walking through the field, his body is covered so you can only see his top part of his body, this is suspicious because we don't know whats in the field

  • it cuts quickly to her starring at him from a far, to show that she might be listening to him

  • the shots stay the same for a few seconds until the girl ducks back down, this makes us suspicious of her because we don't know what she is doing

  • their is then a mid close up of the man with his badge out, this could have frightened her

  • their is then four mini shots of her dousing herself in the liquid she is holding, the first is a close up of her undoing the cap, the next two are of her pouring it onto her, these shots are slightly shaky which shows her urgency through the camera, and the last one is of her popping back up again wet

  • he then stops, looking at, the camera shows that he is confused as to what she is doing

  • the next shot is very powerful because it shows her pouring the rest of the fuel down herself in front of him

  • he then stops in suspense, the way he is positioned is good because he is in the right hand side of the frame and the yellow field is on the left, this tells the audience that if she catches on fire then the field will go up as well, he starts running towards her, the camera going with him

  • a high angle shot of him running towards her, these next shots are short and snappy because it builds tension in the scene

  • an extreme close up of her trying to turn the lighter, she is in distress so she doesn't get it first time,

  • a mid close up of him running towards her,

  • one more close up of her turning the lighter

  • then from a high angle, extreme long shot we see her set the field alight


  • the beginning sequence is almost dream like because you can see a blur of branches rustling and the music is dreamlike, also nearing the end of that scene the music climax's which creates an anticlimax when the next shot is the girl in the Field
  • their is consistent background music which still adds tension to the scene, also the rustling of the crops as she walks through them
  • the music Carry's on all the way through the car driving scene, linking the movie together
  • the chain sound then starts as the dog runs towards the car, breaking the music slightly and keeping the tension in the scene
  • the music then slowly fades as he gets out the car
  • from the way the two characters both speak you can tell that they are very different, the agent is very well spoken and normal where as the farmer is very country
  • when he gives him the binoculars a low ringing sound starts, which builds up more tension, because we don't know what we are going to see through them
  • then very soft music plays which could be showing the audience that she is no threat
  • the way the farmer says mind my bloody crop makes him sound angry with the agent even though he is helping him, also when the agent gets into the crop the music peaks again
  • the next shot we hear that the woman is in distress and very upset, also we hear the ringing of whatever she is holding
  • throughout her hiding and him calling for her there is background music which again keeps the tension high, also when he calls for her his voice echo's which shows how big the field is
  • when he says police a low sound starts, which could be her worry heightening, because she doesn't want to get arrested, every time he says police the music gets more dramatic, and the last time he says it she ducks down
  • when she pours the liquid on her the music drastically picks up, showing that something big is about to happen
  • in this section the music has heart beat which gets quicker and quicker as it goes on
  • once he realises what she is doing the music again picks up, getting ready for the climax when she sets herself on fire, also when she does that the fire lets out a very high pitch squeal, like a pipe burst

mise en scene

  • where it is set is very interesting because its outside, looks hot and sunny and is in the middle of a field which is clever because we don't know fully whats in the field so it builds up questions in the audiences mind, also when she eventually sets herself on fire it create more of a hazard because the crops will burn with her
  • its also clever how she reveals the container through the crops
  • the thing which is holding the dog back is loose and wobbly which shows that the dog could get off the chain and attack the agent so again it puts questions in the audiences head, also the chain shows the dog is dangerous
  • his cloths show that he is formal, yet casual, because its a shirt and jacket but buttons undone and no tie
  • the farmers cloths shows that he is a definite contrast in character
  • the police badge shows us what his job is
  • the police badge also scares the girl, this helps her to make her desicion to kill herself
  • the fire is quite a powerful image because its her killing herself infornt of the agent, him wanting to help her

1 comment:

  1. OK - good to see you trying to catch up Tom. Your analysis needs more terms however (eg for editing, narrative and lighting) to show that you have studied these elements of film language. You also need to make some comments showing links between your own group ideas, and those of the films you analyse - ie what did you like? what was effective? why? Evaluate them as thrillers.
